[Gunny] DDTank Admin Tools
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Chủ đề: DDTank Admin Tools

  1. #1
    Thành Viên
    Ngày tham gia
    Mar 2015
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    Thanked 40 Times in 5 Posts

    DDTank Admin Tools

    The DDtank Admin Tools is a program in which the own administrator can add, change and remove tools.
    Because making an application with few tools? Simple, I want to move the area, give a reason for active users help each other.
    How? Posting your tools in the area, so everyone can have access to new tools.

    How it works
    The moment you start the application, it will compile all tools (including scripts and their libraries).
    For forms, you can make buttons, text boxes and all controls possible for Windows Forms, but can also use the ControlHelper class, which with ParseXML function, will create all controls to their properties (more details in the tutorial).

    Tutorial for developers
    To create a tool, you first need to use a basic code (which I will post below downloads), which is absolutely necessary for the correct functioning of the application (it is highly recommended that you have the minimum knowledge of programming, and in .NET or not) .
    That done, you will have 3 functions:

    GetName - This method is required for the application to control the script, including the title of the tool.
    Setup - Method responsible for initializing the tool, which should be all initialization code (what is necessary, Example: SqlConnection or ControlHelper.ParseXML).
    DrawPanel - Method responsible for passing all the tool controls in the same panel. In this method should have all events such as... Click, Changed, DragDrop, etc..

    Having this knowledge, your tool is ready for use, if no errors.
    If you have more than one tool, but need to use the same code in both, know that a tool does not "connect" to another, for that, you have to create a script in the folder

    Library, where will all the codes included in the compilation of each tool.


    ControlHelper.ParseXML(this, "./Designers/XMLTool.Designer.xml"); //Responsible for interpreting an XML file and its controls, you can see the file in the Designers folder if download DDTank Admin Tools. Returns a logical value, true if the XML is correct and false case can not be interpreted.
    this.GetDesigner().GetControlByName<Button>("btnCompress"); //If you use the method above, you need this method to "pull" a specific control of your designer, remembering to change the type (Button) and the control name.
    this.GetDesigner().DrawAllControls(this.GetOwner()); //In DrawPanel method, you need this method to pass all XML controls to your dashboard
    this.GetOwner(); //If you need to change something in the tool panel, this function will return the same.
    Examples of XML designer

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
            <Reference Type="ListView" Name="System.Windows.Forms.ListView, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
            <ListView Name="lvInformation" Dock="Fill" GridLines="true" View="Details" FullRowSelect="true" />
    Examples of code for the designer up

    using System;
    using DAT.Info;
    using DAT.Manager;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    public class Principal : Tool
        public override string GetName() { return "Principal"; }
        public override bool PrioritizePage() { return true; }
        public override bool Setup()
            if(!ControlHelper.ParseXML(this, "./Designers/Principal.Designer.xml"))
                return false;
                return true;
        public override void DrawPanel()
            ListView lvInformation = this.GetDesigner().GetControlByName<ListView>("lvInformation");
            ColumnHeader hName = lvInformation.Columns.Add("Nome");
            hName.Width = 200;
            ColumnHeader hValue = lvInformation.Columns.Add("Valor");
            hValue.Width = 350;
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
            string version = string.Join(".", assembly.GetName().Version.Revision.ToString().ToCharArray());
            ListViewItem VersionItem = lvInformation.Items.Add("Versão");
            ListViewItem ToolsItem = lvInformation.Items.Add("Ferramentas carregadas");
            ListViewItem DesignersItem = lvInformation.Items.Add("Designers carregados");
            ListViewItem ScriptWarningItem = lvInformation.Items.Add("Avisos de compilação");

    Download and scans at annex
    RAR Password: www (dot) ragezone (dot) com (dot) br

    .NET Framework 4 Client Profile - [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    DAT.info.dll e DAT.Manager.dll - Two libraries that go along application, totally necessary for the implementation of the program and the scripts.


    Because it is a program that accepts codes, some users in bad faith can create tools with backdoors (code that can take advantage of the user's computer), viruses or other. So do not accept any encrypted code, always try to verify a script before running it.
    I am not responsible for damage caused to third party scripts, remember that full responsibility for the use of this application is yours.
    The application contains three tools created by me, one being the Principal, who will show application data, the MD5 Tool that generates the md5.xml file and the XML Tool, which compresses and decompresses .xml files of Request. Any developer is free to edit and enhance these codes.
    The application also contains 3 pre-programmed libraries, GZip Library, Stream Library and Library checksum, which are required for 3 of the two scripts mentioned above.
    For each control in the XML designer, you need to add it in the Requires node, using a name given by you and the assembly qualified name.

    I made this application to run external tools with a single goal: to help the area to help.
    What is this? Simple: with the application, there are three tools that can be used as examples for new tools developed by users of the area.
    My request is simple: for all they are developing, to post your scripts here in the area, so moving and helping users to improve their knowledge and thus the whole area is helping.

    tDarkFall - For creating the tool and the necessary codes for the same.
    pho3nix(StackOverflow) - By the method ReadToEnd.
    Skelleton - The tip of the tools, and the files used in the test.

    This topic is open for questions, mistakes and criticism.
    I humbly ask you do not remove the credits, or try to sell.

    Sorry for my bad English, I need to use Google Translate for my post in Portuguese is translated.


    DDTank Admin Tools - Um aplicativo de ferramentas para DDTank
    Link: https://mega.co.nz/#!oxlB2TZJ!4L3PXiDkL3cnkDUAF3tc8HFE3KIpAKCllYTLHn2blUU
    Feito por tDarkFall | RageZoneBR
    Peço humildemente que não remova os créditos, e nem tente vender.
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng Skelleton xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  2. #2
    Thành Viên Nhocquytu's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2014
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    Ðề: DDTank Admin Tools

    **** Tool Tks you
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng Nhocquytu xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!

  3. #3
    Thành Viên vodoipltn's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Oct 2014
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    Ðề: DDTank Admin Tools

    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi Nhocquytu [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    **** Tool Tks you

    cái này dùng sao bác ơi

    Hãy viết tên miền đầy đủ của clbgamesvn ? (gợi ý câu trả lời: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ])
    Khách viếng thăm hãy cùng vodoipltn xây dựng diễn đàn CLBGAMESVN vững mạnh nhé!



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