AppCode v3. Mac OS X

AppCode v3. Mac OS X
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AppCode v3. Mac OS X | 155 MB
AppCode is an intelligent Objective-C IDE that helps iOS/OS X developers create outstanding apps with ease and pleasure.

AppCode v3. Mac OS X
Finest coding assistance

Context-aware editor gives you precise code completion choices due to deep understanding of your code structure, saves you from unnecessary typing by generating code, allows you to program by intention and minimize the routine tasks.
Reliable refactorings
Safe, accurate and reliable refactorings allow you to modify and improve your code at any time. Whether you need to revive old code base, or brush up the project structure, you can always lean on AppCode.
Fast project navigation
Navigate from a method to its declaration or any of its usages, through classes hierarchy or from one file to another. Jump to any file, class, or symbol in your project in no time, or see all real usages of a symbol, not just text matches.
Code quality tracking
On-the-fly code quality analysis for Objective-C, C, C++, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XML and Xpath. AppCode saves you from potential errors, and gives you hints when your code can be improved. Moreover, it comes with integrated Clang Static Analyzer.
Powerful debugger
Fine-tune your apps or unit tests using a convenient debugger (GDB or LLDB) with flexible breakpoints, watches, fames view and evaluate expressions.
Seamless integrations
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