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19-08-07, 07:08 AM
Từ cái củ nhất đến cái mới nhất và những công cụ chỉnh sửa cho MU ...
Link :
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>

Info: It belongs to use program for unpacking file 3.62 WinRar or newest. It is possible to collect on this reference clicking WinRara 3.62PL [>---Download---<] but from there patch [>---Download---<]


* [>---Download---<] - BMD Crack v1.2.01.18 / Something makes with files BMD
* [>---Download---<] - BMD Decoder / Decoder of file BMD
* [>---Download---<] - BMD Full Editor v1.1.2.3 / Editor of file BMD
* [>---Download---<] - BMD Reader / Editor of file BMD and not only
* [>---Download---<] - Client Tools 1.91 / It edits files OZJ, OZT, OZB, MAPS
* [>---Download---<] - CS Port Changer / Program for change of ports in files serv.
* [>---Download---<] - CzF Mu Editor Wizard / Something edits in SQL.
* [>---Download---<] - Extre Mu Edit v0.3.0 / It edits server files
* [>---Download---<] - FlyEdit v1.0.1 / Editor GS
* [>---Download---<] - GS Edit v1.2 beta / Editor GS
* [>---Download---<] - Hex Edit / Editor of code HEX
* [>---Download---<] - ItemMaker 1.03 / Editor of thing (required NET Framework 2.0)
* [>---Download---<] - js MU sklep / Editor of shops
* [>---Download---<] - Main Editor v2.0 / It edits mains
* [>---Download---<] - MG MU 99B+ item.bmd editor 1.0 / Editor item.bmd
* [>---Download---<] - MG Mu Client Tools v0.65 / Editor of file bmd, bmp, wtf, ozb, tga and other
* [>---Download---<] - MG Mu Client Tools v0.66.01.18 / Editor of file bmd, bmp, wtf, ozb, tga and other
* [>---Download---<] - Monster Facil PREVIEW / For monsters [spanish]
* [>---Download---<] - Monsters Stats&SetBase Editor / It edits statistics of monster in MuOnline
* [>---Download---<] - MonsterSetBase Formater 1.6 / File edits MonsterSetBase.txt
* [>---Download---<] - MU CrkBMD v0.32 / Something makes with files BMD
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Data Workshop v0.9.8 / Editor of shops
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Editor v1.6 Beta / It create accounts, it edits etc.
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Editor v1.9 Beta / It create accounts, it edits etc.
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Editor v2.0 / It create accounts, it edits etc.
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Editor v2.1 / It create accounts, it edits etc.
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Game Server file changer / Editor GS
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Game Server on the fly changer / Editor GS
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Item Bag / Shop Editor v0.9.7c / Editor of shops
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Item Bag / Shop Editor v0.9.7c + Itemy 0.99 / Editor of shops
* [>---Download---<] - MU Online Image Converter / Editor in client graphics
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Shop 1.3 BETA / Edits shops (required NET Framework 2.0)
* [>---Download---<] - MU shop MENAGER v1.4 / Editor of shops
* [>---Download---<] - MuImage / For files all, ozj, ozt, ozb, maps, att etc.
* [>---Download---<] - MuReg v1.0 / Program for addition and editing of account
* [>---Download---<] - My GS Guide v1.01 / Editor GS
* [>---Download---<] - Quickle Mu Editor v2.0 / Editor GS
* [>---Download---<] - ServEdit v0.1 / It edits files with setups of servers
* [>---Download---<] - WTF Editor / It edits files wtf


* [>---Download---<] - Account Cleaner / It searches and it erases empty accounts in database
* [>---Download---<] - Autoclicker v3.0 / It programs digitals of mice and it encloses at elfin of aura
* [>---Download---<] - FreeMG v1.1.0 / It changes IP in mains of the new version muonline
* [>---Download---<] - Gate 0.97J / Gate for version 0.97j
* [>---Download---<] - Gate 1.02k / Gate for version 1.02k
* [>---Download---<] - GS Restarter / Restarted GS
* [>---Download---<] - Gs2 Client / It checks versions of clients and GameServer
* [>---Download---<] - Hamachi v0.9.9.9 / Virtual network create LAN
* [>---Download---<] - Item / Everything file can bear due to which (who) each race (breed) item
* [>---Download---<] - Item Query (ItemProject) / Code of thing generates
* [>---Download---<] - Everything each all for client / Name of file
* [>---Download---<] - Everything each all for serwer / Name of file
* [>---Download---<] - Klatki Stadium / It is possible to enter and leave from cages on stage
* [>---Download---<] - Klick0r / It programs digitals of mice ( push )
* [>---Download---<] - Log Analyzer / It allows to bury in logs of servers
* [>---Download---<] - Map of Exile / Map Exile for client and server
* [>---Download---<] - Monster50 / Simply Monster50
* [>---Download---<] - Movereq.bmd / Movereq.bmd for ver 1.0e
* [>---Download---<] - MU Launcher Builder / It create server Launcher
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Reset Chars 2004 v0.7a / On server account restarted
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Server Start UP v1.2.8 / It minimizes them after enclosure 8 links
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Setup / Reference book of setup of server
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Skiner Final / It edits graphics in client
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Window / It minimizes MU window
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Window / It minimizes MU window version polish
* [>---Download---<] - MOnline Server IP Changer / It changes IP in the server files
* [>---Download---<] - MuServerFacil 1.00 BETA 3 Setup / Server fits on computer
* [>---Download---<] - MuStart / It encloses 8 server - links
* [>---Download---<] - Nyc Mu Shops 1.02k / Ready stores under 1.02k
* [>---Download---<] - ODBC / File of registred ODBC
* [>---Download---<] - Optional Settings / Nick puts, resolution and in game music
* [>---Download---<] - Shops / Files of stores
* [>---Download---<] - Spotter 0.77 / It makes spots
* [>---Download---<] - The Perfect Shops / Perfect stores under 97d - 99b
* [>---Download---<] - Travis Minimizer / It minimizes MU window
* [>---Download---<] - VN Minimizer / It minimizes MU window


* [>---Download---<] - Client 0.74
* [>---Download---<] - Client 0.96y
* [>---Download---<] - Client 0.97d+0.99 Items By Weks
* [>---Download---<] - Client 0.97j
* [>---Download---<] - Client 0.97j+DarkSide
* [>---Download---<] - Client 0.97r
* [>---Download---<] - Client 0.97y
* [>---Download---<] - Client 0.98i
* [>---Download---<] - Client 1.00m
* [>---Download---<] - Client 1.00n [Global client]
* [>---Download---<] - Client 1.01e
* [>---Download---<] - Client 1.01h
* [>---Download---<] - Client 1.01z
* [>---Download---<] - Client 1.02b
* [>---Download---<] - Client 1.02d
* [>---Download---<] - Client 1.02e By Vietnam
* [>---Download---<] - Client 1.02g
* [>---Download---<] - Client 1.02k
* [>---Download---<] - Client Season 2 By Haste Network


* [>---Download---<] - Launcher By MuKidz v1.3 + Minimalizer
* [>---Download---<] - Launcher By Neon Team
* [>---Download---<] - Launcher v1.2 PL By FutureMU
* [>---Download---<] - Launcher v2.0 By ElemeK
* [>---Download---<] - Launcher v2.0 PL By RaGEZONE.com
* [>---Download---<] - Launcher v3.0 PL By Krik
* [>---Download---<] - Launcher XP
* [>---Download---<] - Uniques Launcher


* [>---Download---<] - Main 0.97+99items
* [>---Download---<] - Main 0.97d+99items
* [>---Download---<] - Main 0.97j
* [>---Download---<] - Main 0.99b
* [>---Download---<] - Main 1.01e
* [>---Download---<] - Main 1.01h
* [>---Download---<] - Main 1.01m
* [>---Download---<] - Main 1.01z
* [>---Download---<] - Main 1.02d
* [>---Download---<] - Main 1.02k
* [>---Download---<] - Main 1.02r
* [>---Download---<] - Main 1.02s+
* [>---Download---<] - On modified Main medicine GameGuard BUG


* [>---Download---<] - Music for clients 1.0
* [>---Download---<] - Music generally 0.97,0.99...


* [>---Download---<] - Future Patch / It remakes ver. 0.97 na 0.97d+0.99items
* [>---Download---<] - Guardian Patch / It allows to use skills in city lorencia
* [>---Download---<] - Guardian Patch(Lor,Dav,Nor) / It allows to use skills in city (lor,dav,nor)
* [>---Download---<] - Patch 0.98b
* [>---Download---<] - Patch 0.99.62t
* [>---Download---<] - Patch 1.02k Kantru
* [>---Download---<] - Patch 1.02k Final
* [>---Download---<] - Patch 1.02n for version 1.02
* [>---Download---<] - Patch 1.02n for all versions
* [>---Download---<] - Patch 1.03n
* [>---Download---<] - Patch Season 2 By Haste Network

8.Language files

* [>---Download---<] - Language Pack 0.99z
* [>---Download---<] - Polish language 0.97
* [>---Download---<] - Polish language 0.99
* [>---Download---<] - Polish language 1.00
* [>---Download---<] - Polish language 1.00e
* [>---Download---<] - English language 0.74
* [>---Download---<] - English language 0.99
* [>---Download---<] - English language 1.00z
* [>---Download---<] - English language 1.01
* [>---Download---<] - English language 1.02
* [>---Download---<] - English language 1.02d 0.99.96 Vietnam

9.Server files

* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.74
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.97
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.97 + 1.01e
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.97 + Translations
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.97d + 0.99b clear
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.97d + 0.99 Items by DarkMaster
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.97d + 0.99 Items By Diobel
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.97d + 0.99 Items By Siemo
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.97d + Translations
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.97d clear
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.97j
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.97n
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.97r
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.97r + Extras
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.99.62 + 0.99.65Cs (1.02k) By Strong Morek
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.99.62t
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.99.65(cs) + 0.99.66 Final (1.02k)
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.99.66 CzF + Chs Options + Crywolf
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.99.6X
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.99.6XT
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.99b
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.99b CT
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.99b clear
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.99b/c
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.99d
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.99f
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 0.99j
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.00
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.00b
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.00d
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.00h
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.00n
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.01e
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.01e + 1.00
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.01e clear
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.01e Frienz Network Repack
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.01h
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.01m
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.02.11k
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.02b
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.02d
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.02d clear
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.02d Dev by DH v1.00
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.02e By Vietnam
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.02f
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.02i
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.02j
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.02j + 1.00n
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.02k
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.02l
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver 1.02s+
* [>---Download---<] - Muserver Season 2 By Haste Network

10.Programs www

* [>---Download---<] - Abyss Web Server
* [>---Download---<] - Appserver 2.5.1
* [>---Download---<] - Krasnal Serv 2.6
* [>---Download---<] - Krasnal Serv 2.7

11.SQL Server

* [>---Download---<] - SQL 2000 Crack
* [>---Download---<] - SQL 2000 Evoluation Edition
* [>---Download---<] - SQL 2000 Trial
* [>---Download---<] - SQL 2005 Enterprise Edition
* [>---Download---<] - SQL 2005 Express Edition

12.Pages www

* [>---Download---<] - Beeboo MU Web Template v2.2
* [>---Download---<] - FrogMu v0.2
* [>---Download---<] - FrogMu v0.3
* [>---Download---<] - IceWeb
* [>---Download---<] - KNT Web 0.1
* [>---Download---<] - KNT Web 0.2
* [>---Download---<] - Mu Face Website
* [>---Download---<] - Mutoolz v2.1f
* [>---Download---<] - MuWeb v0.1
* [>---Download---<] - MuWeb v0.2
* [>---Download---<] - MuWeb v0.3
* [>---Download---<] - MuWeb v0.4
* [>---Download---<] - MuWeb v0.6
* [>---Download---<] - MuWeb v0.6a
* [>---Download---<] - MuWeb v0.7
* [>---Download---<] - NecroWeb
* [>---Download---<] - Old Mage
* [>---Download---<] - Professional Web
* [>---Download---<] - MuWeb v0.4 + md5
* [>---Download---<] - Registration of account by www
* [>---Download---<] - Simple Web Register
* [>---Download---<] - STMP2
* [>---Download---<] - STMP2 modified by Chester
* [>---Download---<] - WebMu
* [>---Download---<] - WebPage by Proof for 0.99.6X
* [>---Download---<] - X-Dev Website RC 1


* [>---Download---<] - AnalogX Port Blocker
* [>---Download---<] - Armus DupeFinder v1.0a
* [>---Download---<] - Dupe Finder
* [>---Download---<] - Kerio Personall Firewall 4.2.2
* [>---Download---<] - MuAnalyzer
* [>---Download---<] - ST Anticheat 900
* [>---Download---<] - Sunbelt Kerio Personall Firewall
* [>---Download---<] - Sygate Firewall

Còn đây là MuMaker 1.01 dùng để xem và add được các item mới của SS 2 và SS3
Link :
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
imtrucho's Files
Name Date Added User Rating Downloads File Size �

MuMaker1.01.rar 07/22/2007 326 3.05 MB Download Now

MuMaker1.00.rar 06/10/2007 330 2.70 MB Download Now

ItemMaker1.04.rar 04/23/2007 1,935 1.92 MB Download Now

19-08-07, 07:56 AM
Link này đã có bạn khác giới thiệu rùi nhưng dù sao cũng cám ơn vì đã share ^^!!!

19-08-07, 10:51 PM
Link kiểu úc ,share mà không biết copy link về.

20-08-07, 07:42 AM
cái này tui share lâu rồi
bạn vào trang 5 xem nha!

26-08-07, 12:49 PM
Trời link dau có mà down mà down thi phải vào ragerzone đăng kí nữa thì cũng mệt đấy nhưng dù sao cũng cảm ơn nhé

24-04-12, 04:45 PM
tks bạn nhiều nhé........................

24-05-12, 08:49 PM
thank ban nhieu nha...............................................