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View Full Version : Unity 5 beta 14 WIN (1.12.2014)

02-12-14, 12:47 AM
Unity 5 beta 14 WIN (1.12.2014)

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Unity 5 beta 14 WIN | 1.3GB

Unity is a game development ecosystem: a powerful rendering engine fully integrated with a complete set of intuitive tools and rapid workflows to create interactive 3D and 2D content; easy multiplatform publishing; thousands of quality, ready-made assets in the Asset Store and a knowledge-sharing community.

For independent developers and studios, Unity??s democratizing ecosystem smashes the time and cost barriers to creating uniquely beautiful games. They are using Unity to build a livelihood doing what they love: creating games that hook and delight players on any platform.

Known issues

WebGL: If you set up a UI Event to trigger a method on a class which is not a MonoBehaviour, and that method is not invoked elsewhere from your code, then the method may be stripped, and the event will fail. The workaround is to explicitly call the method in some place in your code to make sure it won't be stripped.
Upgrade guide

iOS: createUnityViewImpl was deprecated and removed (NSAssert will be fired if you implement this method). override createUnityView instead.
iOS: createViewHierarchyImpl was deprecated and removed (NSAssert will be fired if you implement this method). override willStartWithViewController: instead.
iOS: createViewHierarchy was deprecated and removed. Use createUI instead if you had it called from custom place.


Android: Added support for Android TV banners
Audio: Added per-platform compression setting overrides for AudioClip import, much like texture importing. This includes an API change. Users will now be able to enable override settings per platform and have unity have different compression characteristics for different platforms
Reflection Probes:
A new "Realtime" mode can be selected on probes. When using this mode, the probe can be re-rendered on-demand via scripting. Rendering can be set to be done across many frames, or a single frame.
While in the Editor, probes can also render automatically when the scene changes if the "Always Update" mode is selected in the reflection probe inspector. Note that the editor's performance will be negatively affected if too many probes are set to use this option.
See new related API:
Sample Assets
Terrain: Added an option to preload all detail patches and keep them loaded in memory. Set via the Terrain settings and with the "collectDetailPatches" property. Can reduce hicupps when navigating a Terrain.
Unity Download Assistant

Fonts: Font.textureRebuildCallback has been renamed to Font.textureRebuilt and is now a static event of type Action. Font.textureRebuildCallback continues to work but has been deprecated. This change cannot be upgraded automatically by the script updater.
GI: Changed the SphericalHarmonicsL2 API:
GetInterpolatedProbe is now static and takes "out SphericalHarmonicsL2 probe" as the last parameter
coefficients became bakedProbes and return SphericalHarmonicsL2[]
GI: Renamed SphericalHarmonics3 to SphericalHarmonicsL2 where L2 denotes SH up to the 2nd order (so 3 bands, 9 coefficients).
iOS: changed the way UI integration works. Now there are specialized ViewController's for fixed orientation. Also made custom UI integration easier - both for simple and complicated cases (e.g. if you have portrait unity content in landscape ViewController, script side and _unityView.content orientation will return portrait, while AppController's interface orientation will be landscape). For more details check comments in Classes/UI/UnityAppController+ViewHandling.h in trampoline

AI: Carving navmesh supports carving the detailed tesselation. Fixes height discontinuities when an undulating region is carved
Audio / Profiler: Improved accuracy of reported AudioSources in the scene when working with AudioSources in prefabs
Audio: Improved audio importer interface to be make options more clear
Editor: EditorStyles.helpBox is now exposed
Editor: Improved build times for textures and AudioClips
Editor: LightmapParameters now has an icon
Editor: LightmapSnapshot now has an icon
Editor: ReflectionProbe now has a gizmo icon
Editor: ReflectionProbeEditor: group related controls and added tooltips
Editor: Warning when there are curves with ambiguous binding (duplicate GameObject names) in animation window
GI: Added ability to reset Lighting window values to defaults.
GI: Added the Sun slot in the Lighting window which can be used to force a certain light to be used in the procedural skybox, even if the component or the game object is disabled.
GI: Improved layout of the Lighting window.
GI: Improved the baking progress bar.
GI: Show a warning if the user is editing light properties with lighting disabled in the scene view.
GI: Updated terminology and the example in the SphericalHarmonicsL2 docs.
Graphics: Dynamic batching works again for non-uniformly scaled objects
Graphics: Overhauled stats window to be more succinct and profiler rendering stats to be more comprehensive
iOS: Added ios8.0 and ios8.1 to iOSTargetOSVersion
Mecanim: AutoUpdater support for AnimatorInfo->AnimatorClipInfo
Physics: Added 'Static Collider Shapes' to profiler for 2D physics.
Windows Player: Added ability to select target monitor in the resolution dialog, including devices like Oculus Rift
Windows Player: Added constant aspect ratio in fullscreen mode with OpenGL
Windows Player: Added option to run in either exclusive fullscreen mode or windowed fullscreen mode with DirectX 9
Windows Player: Performance improvements including lower latency in DirectX 11 mode
Windows Player: The default fullscreen mode no longer changes the desktop resolution, so things like IME text input work

AI: More robust raycast. Fixes occasional wrong height when raycast terminates at navmesh edge.
Android: Fixed resource leak when using antialiased RenderTexture with OpenGL ES 3
Android: Fixed auto rotation, Input.acceleration and gyroscope when using Java activity
Android: Added support for FullScreenMovieScalingMode.AspectFill to VideoPlayer as long it's not inside a parent Layout
Asset Import: Added ability to retry operation on write error when importing assets
Assets Management: Added warning when using AssetDatabase.Load* function with an absolute path
Asset Import: Assets are no longer reimported when dlls with asset post processors are reimported, unless the postprocessors actually changed version
Assetbundles: Fixed exception thrown when accessing AssetBundleRequest.allAssets
Assets Management: Be able to unload ScriptableObject.
Assets Management: Check if the class id is -1 before calling AddComponent and make the warning message more informative.
Audio: fixed Crash when exposing a parameter of an effect that was added to a group
Audio: Fixed leaking audio resources when having AudioSources within a Prefab
Editor: "File->Open Project...->Open Other.." now works correctly in the new Launcher
Editor: Fix gizmos ignoring layer locking
Editor: Fix Hierarchy search tests after removal of old Hierarchy window
Editor: Fix Object Selector key navigation with Audio Group tree views
Editor: Fix ObjectSelector tree view not being serialized properly at assembly reload
Editor: Fix that when using hierarchy search and clicking target, exception is thrown
Editor: Fix the crash happens when you select top task bar on Welcome Screen.
Editor: Fix tooltip position being wrong for StandardShaderGUI
Editor: Fix tri state toggle being blurred when multi editing
Editor: Fix unique naming for child GameObjects created from menu
Editor: Fixed crash when opening Edit or File menu from project launcher on OS X
Editor: Fixed crash when pasting in License window on OS X
Editor: Fixed crash when pasting in project launcher window on OS X
Editor: Fixed incorrect sibling order in hierarchy when upgrading project to 5.0
Editor: Fixed null reference exception when dragging a component from one game object to another
Editor: Fixed possible crash when entering playmode during script compilation
Editor: Fixed random crash when trying to use the animationEvents on an imported model
Editor: Fixed regression where class from UnityEngine.Windows wouldn't work.
Editor: UnityEditor.Sprites.DataUtility renamed as UnityEditor.Sprites.SpriteUtility
Editor: Fix the crash occasionally happens when you create a prefab. Related to the objects sorting in the prefab.
Editor: FPS controls now only affects the active scene view
Editor: Opened scene will no longer be accidentally marked as modified.
Fixed performance regression in tree rendering on some devices
Fixed scaling bug on skinned meshed when using Optimize Game Objects
Fixed typo in IgnoreTypeTreeChanges
GI: Fix lightmap snapshot when building player.
GI: Fixed issues with seams in baked lightmaps using builtin models.
GI: Fixed SphericalHarmonicsL2.AddDirectionalLight to add correct intensity.
GI: Fixed Terrain double representation in object tab.
GI: Fixed the Maps tab and import settings reporting different lightmap sizes.
GI: Robustness fixes to ambient and skybox probes.
GI: Various fixes to the mode where realtime GI and baked GI are disabled.
GI: Fixed issues with baked directional lighting looking bad at grazing angles.
Home Window: Fix project directory selection not having an effect if path chooser dialog is open for more than 10 seconds.
Inspector Functionality: Fixed bool properties with DecoratorDrawers not reserving space for them correctly.
iOS: Fixed crash on using iAD wrappers
Linux: Fix incorrect behavior on large XFS filesystems
Mecanim: Fixed "Dereferencing NULL PPtr" appearing after creating an animation on a game object with a missing script
Mecanim: Fixed crash when deleting layer
Mecanim: Fixed crash when previewing Animator with UnscaledTime update mode
Mecanim: Fixed layer switching performance isssue
Mecanim: Fixed linear scale blending for additive layers
Mecanim: Animator Gizmo are show only in play mode and if the animator is initialized.
Mecanim: Fallback to proper default State when exiting from StateMachine with no outgoing Transition
Mecanim: Fixed broken Animator.Crossfade during transition
Mecanim: Fixed preview of multiple transitions
OpenGL: SkinnedMeshRenderer performance regression on MacOSX
OSX: Fix for File limits not being set to Maximum amount and Defaulting to 256 open files
Physics: Added 'Physics2D.minPenetrationForPenalty' property to control the penetration radius allowed before any separation impulse for is applied.
Scripting: UnityEngine.Object.operator== will return true again for two scripting wrappers that refer to the same unloaded native object.
Serialization: Fixed crash during scene loading if the script on a prefab instance did not match the script on the prefab asset
Serialization: Added error message with file information if SerializedFile header is corrupted
Tags: Fixed tags being shifted by 1 if upgrading from a 4.x project
WebGL: Automatically handle deleting of emscripten cache when needed
WebGL: Fix Build & Run
WebGL: Fix permissions on generated "Compressed" folder
WebGL: Show message that WebGL building is not supported in 32-bit editor
WebGL: Correct the handling of a volatile field in C# when it is used in a binary operation during IL2CPP code conversion.
Windows Player: Run in Background now works properly in DirectX 9 fullscreen mode
Windows Store Apps/Windows Phone: fix taking detailed memory sample in profiler
Windows Store Apps/Windows Phone: Fixed a memory leak when using async loading of resouces.
Windows Store Apps: native plugins now properly added to generated solution


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