View Full Version : IE11 browser detection and fixes

10-02-14, 10:37 AM
IE11 gets along pretty well with vB3, though file downloads get a bit wonky due to some changes in how IE is detected.

In includes/functions.php find:

// detect macintosh

Add above:

// Detect Modern IE11+
if (strpos($useragent, 'trident') !== false AND !$is['opera'] AND !$is['ie'])
preg_match('#rv:([0-9\.-]+)#', $useragent, $regs);
$is['ie'] = $regs[1];


Next, find:

if (strpos($useragent, 'gecko') !== false AND !$is['safari'] AND !$is['konqueror'])

And replace it with

if (strpos($useragent, 'gecko') !== false AND !$is['safari'] AND !$is['konqueror'] AND !$is['ie'])