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12-01-13, 07:29 PM
1. mình làm theo hướng dẫn Function nhận thưởng (<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>) chiến trường mà sau khi đi chiến trường xong không nhận được gì xin mọi người chỉ cách fix

-------------------------------------------------------文件名 : battle_bouns.lua--创建者 : zhouchenfei--创建时间 : 2007-10-23--功能描述 : 战场中的分值处理------------------------------------------------------
-- 重置积分function Battle:ResetBonus(pPlayer, nNowTime) pPlayer.Msg("Tích lũy bị trừ hết!"); pPlayer.SetTask(self.TSKGID, self.TSK_BTPLAYER_TOTALBOUNS, 0); pPlayer.SetTask(self.TSKGID, self.TSK_BTPLAYER_LASTBOUNSTIME, nNowTime);end
-- 重置使用积分上限function Battle:OnWeekEvent_ResetUseBouns() local nUseBouns = me.GetTask(self.TSKGID, self.TSK_BTPLAYER_USEBOUNS); Battle:DbgWrite(Dbg.LOG_INFO, "OnWeekEvent_ResetUseBouns", self.TSKGID, self.TSK_BTPLAYER_USEBOUNS, 0); me.SetTask(self.TSKGID, self.TSK_BTPLAYER_USEBOUNS, 0);end
-- 检查是否是新的一周function Battle:CheckNewWeek(pPlayer, nNowTime) local nLastTime = pPlayer.GetTask(self.TSKGID, self.TSK_BTPLAYER_LASTBOUNSTIME); local nLastDay = math.ceil(nLastTime / (3600 * 24)); local nNowDay = math.ceil(nNowTime / (3600 * 24)); if (nNowDay <= nLastDay) then return; end
-- 从星期天开始算,为一个星期的第一天 nLastDay = nLastDay - 4; nNowDay = nNowDay - 4; local nLastWeek = math.floor(nLastDay / 7); local nNowWeek = math.floor(nNowDay / 7); if (nNowWeek > nLastWeek) then return 1; end return 0;end
-- 处理连斩积分奖励function Battle:ProcessSeriesBouns(tbKillerBattleInfo, tbDeathBattleInfo) local nMeRank = tbDeathBattleInfo.nRank; local nPLRank = tbKillerBattleInfo.nRank; -- 符合连斩条件 计算有效连斩 if (5 >= (nPLRank - nMeRank)) then local nSeriesKill = tbKillerBattleInfo.nSeriesKill + 1; tbKillerBattleInfo.nSeriesKill = nSeriesKill;
if (math.fmod(nSeriesKill, 3) == 0) then tbKillerBattleInfo.nTriSeriesNum = tbKillerBattleInfo.nTriSeriesNum + 1; self:AddShareBouns(tbKillerBattleInfo, self.SERIESKILLBOUNS) tbKillerBattleInfo.pPlayer.Msg(string.format("Quân %s - %s %s liên tiếp đẩy lùi %d quân địch, nhận thưởng Liên Trảm %d điểm tích lũy.", Battle.NAME_CAMP[tbKillerBattleInfo.tbCamp.nCampId], Battle.NAME_RANK[tbKillerBattleInfo.nRank], tbKillerBattleInfo.pPlayer.szName, tbKillerBattleInfo.nSeriesKill, self.SERIESKILLBOUNS)); end
if (tbKillerBattleInfo.nMaxSeriesKill < nSeriesKill) then tbKillerBattleInfo.nMaxSeriesKill = nSeriesKill; end end -- 计算连斩 local nSeriesKillNum = tbKillerBattleInfo.nSeriesKillNum + 1; tbKillerBattleInfo.nSeriesKillNum = nSeriesKillNum;
if (tbKillerBattleInfo.nMaxSeriesKillNum < nSeriesKillNum) then tbKillerBattleInfo.nMaxSeriesKillNum = nSeriesKillNum; end end
-- 获得杀死玩家积分奖励function Battle:GiveKillerBouns(tbKillerBattleInfo, tbDeathBattleInfo) tbKillerBattleInfo.nKillPlayerNum = tbKillerBattleInfo.nKillPlayerNum + 1; -- 要不要做安全性检测呢? local nMeRank = tbDeathBattleInfo.nRank; local nPLRank = tbKillerBattleInfo.nRank; local nRadioRank = 1; nRadioRank = (10 - (nPLRank - nMeRank)) / 10; local nPoints = math.floor(Battle.tbBonusBase.KILLPLAYER * nRadioRank); local nBounsDif = self:AddShareBouns(tbKillerBattleInfo, nPoints) if (nBounsDif > 0) then tbKillerBattleInfo.nKillPlayerBouns = tbKillerBattleInfo.nKillPlayerBouns + nPoints; endend
-- 获得战旗积分奖励function Battle:GetTheFlagBouns(tbBattleInfo) local nCamp = tbBattleInfo.tbCamp.nCampId; local nBounsDif = self:AddShareBouns(tbBattleInfo, Battle.tbBonusBase.SNAPFLAG) if (nBounsDif > 0) then tbBattleInfo.nFlagsBouns = tbBattleInfo.nFlagsBouns + Battle.tbBonusBase.SNAPFLAG; end tbBattleInfo.nFlagNum = tbBattleInfo.nFlagNum + 1;end
-- 获得珍宝积分奖励function Battle:GetTheTreasure(tbBattleInfo) local nCamp = tbBattleInfo.tbCamp.nCampId; local nBounsDif = self:AddShareBouns(tbBattleInfo, Battle.tbBonusBase.GETITEM) if (nBounsDif > 0) then tbBattleInfo.nTreasureBouns = tbBattleInfo.nTreasureBouns + Battle.tbBonusBase.GETITEM; end tbBattleInfo.nTreasure = tbBattleInfo.nTreasure + 1;end
-- 积分换经验function Battle:BounsChangeExp(nLevel, nBouns) local nExp = 0; if (nLevel < 40) then return 0; end if (nLevel > 120) then nLevel = 120; end nExp = math.floor(( 700 + math.floor(( nLevel - 40 ) / 5 ) * 100 ) * 60 * 7 /3000 ) * nBouns -- 1个积分点的基础经验值 local nKinId = me.dwKinId; local cKin = KKin.GetKin(nKinId); if (cKin) then local nWeeklyTask = cKin.GetWeeklyTask(); if (Kin.TASK_BATTLE == nWeeklyTask) then nExp = math.floor(nExp * 1.5); end end return nExp;end
-- 战局结束时的声望按排名奖励function Battle:AwardFinalShengWang(tbPlayerList) local nNowShengWang = 0; local nMaxRank = 0; local nIndex = 0; for i = 1, #tbPlayerList do local tbBattleInfo = tbPlayerList[i]; local nNowShengWang = 0; local nRankSheng = 0; local nBounsSheng = 0; if (1 == i) then nRankSheng = Battle.tbRANKSHENGWANG[1]; elseif (2 <= i and 4 >= i) then nRankSheng = Battle.tbRANKSHENGWANG[2]; elseif (5 <= i and 10 >= i) then nRankSheng = Battle.tbRANKSHENGWANG[3]; elseif (11 <= i and 20 >= i) then nRankSheng = Battle.tbRANKSHENGWANG[4]; end for key, tbRankBouns in ipairs(Battle.tbBOUNSSHENGWANG) do if (tbBattleInfo.nBouns >= tbRankBouns[1]) then nBounsSheng = tbRankBouns[2]; break; end end nNowShengWang = nRankSheng; if (nBounsSheng > nNowShengWang) then nNowShengWang = nBounsSheng; end local nCamp = tbBattleInfo.tbCamp.nCampId; tbBattleInfo.nShengWang = tbBattleInfo.nShengWang + nNowShengWang; tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.Msg(string.format("Xếp hạng: <color=green>%d<color>, bạn nhận được <color=white>%d<color> điểm danh vọng chiến trường.", i, tbBattleInfo.nShengWang)); endendfunction Battle:AwardJbCoin(tbPlayerList) local nMaxRank = 0; local nIndex = 0; for i = 1, #tbPlayerList do local tbBattleInfo = tbPlayerList[i]; local nJbBonus = 0; if (1 == i) then nJbBonus = Battle.tbJBCOINBONUS[1]; tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); --tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddStackItem(18,1,1299,3,nil, 30); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddExp(5000000); elseif (2 == i ) then nJbBonus = Battle.tbJBCOINBONUS[2]; tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddExp(3000000); --tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddStackItem(18,1,1299,3,nil, 25); elseif (3 == i ) then tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddExp(2000000); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); --tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddStackItem(18,1,1299,3,nil, 20); nJbBonus = Battle.tbJBCOINBONUS[3]; elseif (4 <= i and 10 >= i) then tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddExp(1000000); nJbBonus = Battle.tbJBCOINBONUS[4]; --tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddStackItem(18,1,1299,3,nil, 15); elseif (11 <= i) then tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,1190,4); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddExp(500000); --tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddStackItem(18,1,1299,3,nil, 10); end if ( tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.nLevel >= 90) then tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddJbCoin(nJbBonus); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.Msg(string.format("Xếp hạng: <color=green>%d<color>, bạn nhận được <color=white>%d<color> Đồng.", i, nJbBonus)); else tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.AddBindCoin(nJbBonus); tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.Msg(string.format("Xếp hạng: <color=green>%d<color>, bạn nhận được <color=white>%d<color> Đồng khoa'.", i, nJbBonus)); end endend-- 战局结束时的声望按排名奖励function Battle:AwardFinalHonor(tbPlayerList) local nNowHonor = 0; local nMaxRank = 0; local nIndex = 0; for i = 1, #tbPlayerList do local tbBattleInfo = tbPlayerList[i]; local nNowHonor = 0; local nRankHonor = 0; local nBounsHonor = 0; if (1 == i) then nRankHonor = Battle.tbRANKHONOR[1]; elseif (2 <= i and 5 >= i) then nRankHonor = Battle.tbRANKHONOR[2]; elseif (6 <= i and 10 >= i) then nRankHonor = Battle.tbRANKHONOR[3]; elseif (11 <= i and 20 >= i) then nRankHonor = Battle.tbRANKHONOR[4]; end for key, tbRankBouns in ipairs(Battle.tbBOUNSHONOR) do if (tbBattleInfo.nBouns >= tbRankBouns[1]) then nBounsHonor = tbRankBouns[2]; break; end end nNowHonor = nRankHonor; if (nBounsHonor > nNowHonor) then nNowHonor = nBounsHonor; end local nCamp = tbBattleInfo.tbCamp.nCampId; tbBattleInfo.nHonor = tbBattleInfo.nHonor + nNowHonor; tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.Msg(string.format("Xếp hạng: <color=green>%d<color>, bạn nhận được <color=white>%d<color> điểm vinh dự chiến trường.", i, tbBattleInfo.nHonor)); endend
-- 战局结束时的功勋按排名奖励function Battle:AwardFinalGongXun(tbPlayerList)-- local nNowGongXun = 0;-- local nMaxRank = 0;-- local nIndex = 0;-- for i = 1, #tbPlayerList do-- if (i > nMaxRank) then-- nIndex = nIndex + 1;-- if (not self.tbGONGXUNRANK[nIndex]) then-- -- print("self.tbSHENGWANGRANK[nIndex] error (Battle:AwardFinalGongXun(tbPlayerList, tbBattleAwardSheng))");-- end-- nMaxRank = self.tbGONGXUNRANK[nIndex][1];-- nNowGongXun = self.tbGONGXUNRANK[nIndex][2];-- end-- local tbBattleInfo = tbPlayerList[i];-- local nGongXun = tbBattleInfo.nGongXun + nNowGongXun;-- local nCamp = tbBattleInfo.tbCamp.nCampId;-- tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.Msg(string.format("排名为:<color=green>%d<color>,你获得了<color=white>%d<color>点战场功勋值奖励。", i, nGongXun));-- tbBattleInfo.nGongXun = nGongXun;-- endend
function Battle:AwardFinalWeiWang(tbPlayerList, nBattleLevel) if (not tbPlayerList) then return; end local nFlag = 0; local nOpenTime = KGblTask.SCGetDbTaskInt(DBTASD_SERVER_SETMAXLEVEL9 9); if (nOpenTime <= 0) then nFlag = 1; else if (nBattleLevel >= 2) then nFlag = 1; end end for i, v in ipairs(tbPlayerList) do if (self.tbWeiWangRank[1] == i) then self:AwardWeiWang(v, 10, 50); -- 冠军有6点威望 elseif (self.tbWeiWangRank[1] < i and self.tbWeiWangRank[2] >= i) then self:AwardWeiWang(v, 8, 40); elseif (i > self.tbWeiWangRank[2] and self.tbWeiWangRank[3] >= i) then self:AwardWeiWang(v, 6, 30); else if (nFlag == 1) then local nBouns = v.nBouns; if (4500 <= nBouns) then self:AwardWeiWang(v, 5, 20, 1); elseif (3000 <= nBouns) then self:AwardWeiWang(v, 4, 20, 1); elseif (1800 <= nBouns) then self:AwardWeiWang(v, 3, 15, 1); elseif (1500 <= nBouns) then self:AwardWeiWang(v, 2, 15, 1); elseif (1200 <= nBouns) then self:AwardWeiWang(v, 2, 10, 1); elseif (800 <= nBouns) then self:AwardWeiWang(v, 1, 10, 1); elseif (500 <= nBouns) then self:AwardWeiWang(v, 0, 10, 1); end end end endend
function Battle:AwardFinalOffer(tbPlayerList, nBattleLevel) if (not tbPlayerList) then return; end local nStockBaseCount = 0; for i, v in ipairs(tbPlayerList) do if (i >= 1 and i <= 3) then self:AwardOffer(v, 150); -- 前3名有150的贡献度 nStockBaseCount = 100; elseif (4 <= i and 10 >= i) then self:AwardOffer(v, 120); -- 前10名有120的贡献度 nStockBaseCount = 80; elseif (i >= 10 and 20 >= i) then self:AwardOffer(v, 100); -- 前20名有100的贡献度 nStockBaseCount = 60; else local nBouns = v.nBouns; if (5000 <= nBouns) then self:AwardOffer(v, 80); -- 5000积分以上的有80的贡献度 nStockBaseCount = 50; elseif (5000 > nBouns and 4000 <= nBouns) then self:AwardOffer(v, 60); -- 4000积分以上的有60的贡献度 nStockBaseCount = 30; elseif (4000 > nBouns and 3000 <= nBouns) then self:AwardOffer(v, 40); -- 3000积分以上的有40的贡献度 nStockBaseCount = 20; elseif (3000 > nBouns and 1500 <= nBouns) then self:AwardOffer(v, 30); -- 1500积分以上的有30的贡献度 nStockBaseCount = 10; end end if v and v.pPlayer then -- 增加建设资金和族长、个人的股份 Tong:AddStockBaseCount_GS1(v.pPlayer.nId, nStockBaseCount, 0.75, 0.2, 0.05, 0, 0, WeeklyTask.GETOFFER_TYPE_BATTLE); end if (i > 0 and i <= 20 and nBattleLevel == 3) then -- 成就:高级战场前20名 Achievement:FinishAchievement(v.pPlayer.nId, Achievement.BATTLE_GAOJI_20); end endend
function Battle:AwardOffer(tbBattleInfo, nOffer) local pPlayer = tbBattleInfo.pPlayer; if (not pPlayer) then return 0; end pPlayer.AddOfferEntry(nOffer, WeeklyTask.GETOFFER_TYPE_BATTLE);end
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if tbBattleInfo.tbMission and tbBattleInfo.tbMission.nBattleLevel then if tbBattleInfo.tbMission.nBattleLevel == 1 and TimeFrame:GetStateGS("OpenOneFengXiangBattle") == 1 then nWeiWang = math.floor(nWeiWang / 2); end pPlayer.AddKinReputeEntry(nWeiWang, "battle"); endend
function Battle:AwardFinalXinDe(tbPlayerList) if (not tbPlayerList) then return; end for i = 1, #tbPlayerList do if (1 == i) then self:AwardXinDe(tbPlayerList[i].pPlayer, 300000); -- 冠军由6点威望 elseif (2 <= i and 10 >= i) then self:AwardXinDe(tbPlayerList[i].pPlayer, 200000); else local nBouns = tbPlayerList[i].nBouns; if (3000 < nBouns) then self:AwardXinDe(tbPlayerList[i].pPlayer, 150000); elseif (3000 >= nBouns and 500 <= nBouns) then self:AwardXinDe(tbPlayerList[i].pPlayer, 100000); end end end end
function Battle:AwardXinDe(pPlayer, nXinDe) if (nXinDe <= 0) then return; end Setting:SetGlobalObj(pPlayer); Task:AddInsight(nXinDe); Setting:RestoreGlobalObj();end
-- 奖励积分大于3000的玩家可以获得物质� ��励function Battle:AwardFinalGoods(tbPlayerList, nBattleLevel) if (not tbPlayerList) then return; end local nItemId = self.tbPaiItemId[nBattleLevel]; for i = 1, #tbPlayerList do local nBouns = tbPlayerList[i].nBouns; local pPlayer = tbPlayerList[i].pPlayer; if (self.tbAWARDBOUNS[1] <= nBouns) then pPlayer.SetTask(self.TSKGID, self.TSK_BTPLAYER_ZHANCHANGLINGPAI, nItemId); pPlayer.SetTask(self.TSKGID, self.TSK_BTPLAYER_FUDAI ,2); Dialog:SendInfoBoardMsg(pPlayer, "Gặp Hiệu Úy Mộ Binh ở Báo danh chiến trường nhận thưởng."); elseif (self.tbAWARDBOUNS[2] <= nBouns) then pPlayer.SetTask(self.TSKGID, self.TSK_BTPLAYER_FUDAI ,1); Dialog:SendInfoBoardMsg(pPlayer, "Gặp Hiệu Úy Mộ Binh ở Báo danh chiến trường nhận thưởng."); end if (nBouns > 0) then pPlayer.SetTask(self.TSKGID, self.TSK_BTPLAYER_BOUNSFORWARD, 1); end end end
-- 师徒成就:战场function Battle:GetAchievement(tbPlayerList, nBattleLevel) if (not tbPlayerList) then return; end -- nBattleLevel = 1(初级 扬州),2(中级 凤翔),3(高级 襄阳) for i = 1, #tbPlayerList do local pPlayer = tbPlayerList[i].pPlayer; -- 目前成就系统里面只需要添加扬州战� �成就,如果以后要添加其他的,可以� ��这里补充 if (pPlayer and nBattleLevel == 1) then Achievement:FinishAchievement(pPlayer.nId, Achievement.BATTLE_YANGZHOU); end endend
-- 获得一个战场令牌function Battle:AwardGood(pPlayer, nItemId, nPaiCount, nFuCount, nBouns, nBattleLevel) local nFreeCount, tbExecute = SpecialEvent.ExtendAward:DoCheck("Battle", pPlayer, nBouns, nBattleLevel); if (pPlayer.CountFreeBagCell() < (nPaiCount + nFuCount + nFreeCount) * Battle.nTimes ) then return 0; end for i = 1, Battle.nTimes do if (nPaiCount > 0) then pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,112,nItemId); self:WriteLog("AwardGood", string.format("Give player %s a zhanchanglingpai", pPlayer.szName)); pPlayer.SetTask(self.TSKGID, self.TSK_BTPLAYER_ZHANCHANGLINGPAI, 0); end if (nFuCount > 0) then for i=1, nFuCount do local pItem = pPlayer.AddItem(18,1,80,1); assert(pItem); self:WriteLog("AwardGood", string.format("Give player %s a fudai", pPlayer.szName)); --local szDate = os.date("%Y/%m/%d/%H/%M/%S", GetTime() + 3600 * 48); --pPlayer.SetItemTimeout(pItem, szDate); --pItem.Sync(); end pPlayer.SetTask(self.TSKGID, self.TSK_BTPLAYER_FUDAI, 0); end if (nBouns > 0) then local nMyUserBouns = self:GetMyUseBouns(); local nFinalBouns = nBouns; if (nMyUserBouns + nBouns > self.BATTLES_POINT2EXP_MAXEXP) then nFinalBouns = self.BATTLES_POINT2EXP_MAXEXP - nMyUserBouns; end local nExp = self:BounsChangeExp(pPlayer.nLevel, nFinalBouns) * self.BOUNS2EXPMUL; if (nExp > 0) then pPlayer.AddExp(nExp); end self:AddUseBouns(pPlayer, nFinalBouns, nMyUserBouns); pPlayer.SetTask(Battle.TSKGID, Battle.TSK_BTPLAYER_TOTALBOUNS, 0); end SpecialEvent.ExtendAward:DoExecute(tbExecute); end return 1;end
-- 更新每天玩家最大功勋值function Battle:UpdatePlayerHonorAndShengWang(tbPlayerList) for _, tbBattleInfo in pairs(tbPlayerList) do tbBattleInfo:SetPlayerHonor(); tbBattleInfo:SetPlayerShengWang(); endend
-- 如果玩家的身份是未出师弟子,那么� �的师徒任务当中的宋金战场次数加1fun ction Battle:UpdateShiTuBattleCount(tbPlayerList) if (not tbPlayerList) then return; end local tbItem = Item:GetClass("teacher2student"); for i, v in ipairs(tbPlayerList) do local pPlayer = v.pPlayer; if (pPlayer) then if (pPlayer.GetTrainingTeacher()) then local tbBattleInfo = Battle:GetPlayerData(pPlayer); local nEnterBattleTime = tbBattleInfo.nEnterBattleTime; local nCurTime = GetTime(); local nInBattleTime = nCurTime - nEnterBattleTime; if (tbItem.BATTLE_VALID_TIME <= nInBattleTime) then local nNeed_Battle = pPlayer.GetTask(Relation.TASK_GROUP, Relation.TASK_ID_SHITU_BATTLE) + 1; pPlayer.SetTask(Relation.TASK_GROUP, Relation.TASK_ID_SHITU_BATTLE, nNeed_Battle); end end end endend
-- 计算离上次更新时间过了多少天function Battle:CalculateDay(nLastTime, nNowTime) local nLastDay = math.ceil(nLastTime / (3600 * 24)); local nNowDay = math.ceil(nNowTime / (3600 * 24)); local nDays = nNowDay - nLastDay; if (nDays < 0) then nDays = 0; end return nDays;end
-- 清零function Battle:ClearBouns(pPlayer) self:SetTotalBouns(pPlayer, 0);end
-- 个人玩家奖励function Battle:AwardPlayerList(tbPlayerReaultList, nBattleLevel) self:AwardFinalHonor(tbPlayerReaultList); self:AwardJbCoin(tbPlayerReaultList); self:AwardFinalShengWang(tbPlayerReaultList); self:UpdatePlayerHonorAndShengWang(tbPlayerReaultL ist); self:UpdateShiTuBattleCount(tbPlayerReaultList); self:AwardFinalWeiWang(tbPlayerReaultList, nBattleLevel); self:AwardFinalOffer(tbPlayerReaultList, nBattleLevel); self:AwardFinalXinDe(tbPlayerReaultList); self:AwardFinalGoods(tbPlayerReaultList, nBattleLevel); self:GetAchievement(tbPlayerReaultList, nBattleLevel);end
function Battle:_BTPrint(tbPlayerReaultList) print("szName, nBouns, nGongXun, nShengWang"); for _, tbBattleInfo in ipairs(tbPlayerReaultList) do print(tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.szName, tbBattleInfo.nBouns, tbBattleInfo.nGongXun, tbBattleInfo.nShengWang); endend
-- 累加积分--TODOfunction Battle:AddUseBouns(pPlayer, nChangeBouns, nMyUserBouns) if (0 == nChangeBouns) then return; end pPlayer.SetTask(Battle.TSKGID, Battle.TSK_BTPLAYER_USEBOUNS, nChangeBouns + nMyUserBouns);end
-- 获得已用积分记录--TODOfunction Battle:GetMyUseBouns() local nMyBouns = me.GetTask(Battle.TSKGID, Battle.TSK_BTPLAYER_USEBOUNS); return nMyBouns;end
function Battle:AddShareBouns(tbBattleInfo, nBouns) local tbShareTeamMember = tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.GetTeamMemberList(1); if (not tbShareTeamMember) then return tbBattleInfo:AddBounsWithCamp(nBouns); end local nResult = 0; local nCount = #tbShareTeamMember; if (0 < nCount) then local nTimes = self.tbPOINT_TIMES_SHARETEAM[nCount]; local nPoints = nBouns * nTimes; nResult = tbBattleInfo:AddBounsWithCamp(nPoints); end
-- 组队共享暂时不用-- for _, pPlayer in pairs(tbShareTeamMember) do-- if (pPlayer.nId ~= tbBattleInfo.pPlayer.nId) then-- local nFaction, nRoutId = self:GetFactionNumber(pPlayer);-- if (0 ~= nFaction) then-- local nTimes = self.tbPOINT_TIMES_SHAREFACTION[nFaction][nRoutId];-- local nPoints = nBouns * nTimes;-- self:GetPlayerData(pPlayer):AddBounsWithCamp(nPoin ts);-- end-- end-- end return nResult;end
function Battle:GetFactionNumber(pPlayer) local nFaction = pPlayer.nFaction; if (0 == nFaction) then Battle:DbgOut("GetFactionNumber", pPlayer.szName, "Chưa gia nhập môn phái!"); return 0; end local nRouteId = pPlayer.nRouteId; if (0 == nRouteId) then Battle:DbgOut("GetFactionNumber", pPlayer.szName, "Chưa chọn nhánh, không thể nhận Mật tịch môn phái!"); return 0; end return nFaction, nRouteId;end
function Battle:OnWeekEvent_ResetBattleHonor() -- TODO 排名 local pPlayer = me; for i = self.TSK_BTPLAYER_HONOR1, self.TSK_BTPLAYER_HONOR4, 1 do pPlayer.SetTask(self.TSKGID, i, 0); endend
function Battle:GetRemainJunXu() local nRemainJunXu = me.GetTask(self.TSKGID, self.TSK_BTPLAYER_JUNXU); return nRemainJunXu;end

PlayerSchemeEvent:RegisterGlobalWeekEvent({Battle. OnWeekEvent_ResetUseBouns, Battle});PlayerSchemeEvent:RegisterGlobalWeekEvent ({Battle.OnWeekEvent_ResetBattleHonor, Battle});

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